Page 41 - 2019YearEndDraft
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PowerDMS Trainings
The DMS training module was utilized to distribute several training documents
and information beneficial to an officer’s job performance. Some of the documents
and information released via DMS were, Active Shooter Incidents, Haz-Mat/Meth-
Lab Response, Incident Command/All Hazards Plan, Law Enforcement/Legal
Updates, Fentanyl Response Guide, Biased Based Policing and Ethics. The DMS
system has enabled us to provide up-to-date training and information without the
burden of having officers attend the classroom instruction. As we enter 2020, we
will continue releasing information through this platform as it has become an
invaluable tool to provide officers with the most up-to-date information and
Professional Development Trainings
In 2019, the Training Division sent officers to ninety training schools, classes,
conferences, and seminars. This provided officers with two-hundred and ninety-
two training opportunities. This is a 13% increase from 2018 in the amount of
officers receiving additional training opportunities. The Training Division sent
department members to trainings in the areas of Anti-Terrorism, Cultural
Competency, Distracted Driving, Death Notifications, Domestic Extremism, Gang
Recognition, Hate Crimes, Mental Health First-Aid, Officer-Down Survival
Tactics, Workplace Harassment and Suicide Prevention. The trainings also
included several specialized areas such as Autism Awareness, Cellebrite
Forensics, Interview and Interrogations, Property Room Management,
Prosecution, Pedestrian Crash Investigations, Human Trafficking, Advanced
Roadside Impairment Enforcement, Child Death Investigations, and Search and
Seizure. This has enabled the Cranston Police Department to serve the residents
of the City more effectively by continually providing officers with current and
specialized training opportunities.
We also focused on Instructor level trainings to enable us to have trained
instructors within the department to train other department members. In 2019, we
sent officers to instructor level courses in the areas of Mental Health First-Aid,
Taser, LOCKUP, Police Suicides, Patrol Rifle, and Domestic Violence.
Hiring Process & Applicant Investigations
The Staff completed eight comprehensive background investigations during
CY2019 to fill existing vacancies. The department hired three new officers with
one being a transfer from another Rhode Island police agency. This has allowed
the department to maintain our staffing levels at full capacity of one-hundred and