Page 30 - 2019YearEndDraft
P. 30



             The Cranston Police Department Detective Division had a very successful year
             and  was  able  to  deliver  the  prompt  and  through investigative service  we  are
             known for. The Division constantly searches for improvements as work of law
             enforcement is ever changing; and the Detectives assigned to the investigative
             function  of this Department continue to  evolve  their work  product to  meet the
             challenges ahead. Their hard work, commitment, and skills do not go unnoticed
             by the community they  serve; and the  City  of Cranston  can  be  proud  of their
             continued exemplary service.

             Inspectional Services Division

             The Inspectional Services  Division  (ISD) is composed of the Inspectional
             Services, Accreditation Unit, Training Unit, Records Unit, National Incident-Based
             Reporting System (NIBRS) / Transcription Unit, Finance Clerk, Detail Clerk, and
             Switchboard Operator.


             The Inspectional Services Division is responsible for managing the state (RIPAC)
             and national accreditation (CALEA) programs and maintaining its good standing;
             the operations of the police department’s facility; maintaining the departments
             policy database;  conducting background checks for firearms purchases  and
             processing concealed carried weapons (CCW) permits (86 in CY2019).  The
             inspections process is an essential mechanism for evaluating the quality of the
             agency’s operations; ensuring that the agency’s goals and objectives are being
             pursued; identifying the need for additional resources and efficiency;  and
             ensuring that control is maintained throughout the agency. Inspections include
             the evaluation of facilities, vehicles, equipment, records, personnel, procedures,
             and the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.

             The Inspectional Services Division  Commander is primarily tasked with
             processing Injured on Duty (IOD) claims, administrative oversight and approval
             of purchase orders (PO)  (323  in  CY  2019),  policy revisions  (28  in CY2019),
             mangement of the accreditation process, as well as the activities of the personnel
             assigned to the various units under his command. ISD also implemented two (2)
             new policies during CY 2019 including one addressing “Extreme Risk Protection
             Orders” protocols. The second was an “Encounters With The Deaf and Hard of
             Hearing” policy after a considerable amount of time was spent researching and
             acquiring new technology (Video Remote Interpreting, and CapTel phones) to

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