Page 27 - 2019YearEndDraft
P. 27
• All members of the BCI UNIT received one day training for Faro 3D imaging
on 08/15/19 at our training facility.
• Det. Wheatley received a Certificate in Cellebrite Physical Analyst on
03/22/2019 and a Certificate in Cellebrite Operator on 03/19/2019, both in Boston,
BCI New Equipment
In the beginning of the year, the new Livescan Fingerprint Machine was installed
in the booking area after an extensive training program, which included the entire
BCI Unit, detectives and all shift supervisors, who were responsible for training
patrol officers who fell under their command. The machine has proven to be
problematic; however those issues are not confined to our department but have
been experienced by other departments using the same machine as well as the
RI Attorney General’s Office. An email was recently issued from Mark McKitchen,
BCI/AFIS Unit Supervisor from the AG’s Office, stating that the vendor
Gemalto/Thales will be working with all departments in an attempt to resolve the
issues, which either involve department networks, IP address issues, or IMC
interface. Currently, members of BCI and CPD tech personnel have been able to
keep the machine up and running to meet our needs. There are also plans in the
making to utilize the previous Livescan machine strictly for civilian fingerprints,
locating it in a more public-friendly area.
B.C.I. Productivity Report – By the Numbers
It was another very active year for BCI. The relative increase in activity
corresponded with the department’s increase in calls for service. The BCI Unit
processed seventy-eight total crime scenes where hundreds of pieces of
evidence were collected. Scenes processed by our unit included 85 Crime scenes
were processed and hundreds of pieces of evidence were collected:
• 1 Homicide
• 5 Rape/ Sexual assaults
• 10 Robberies
• 7 Aggravated Assaults
• 14 B&E’S
• 2 Larcenies
• 3 Recovered stolen vehicles
• 3 Arson
• 3 Vandalism
• 6 Weapons Offenses
• 6 Drug overdose deaths
• 2 Fatal vehicle accident