Page 22 - 2019YearEndDraft
P. 22


             The Law Enforcement Advocate stands committed to the goal of outreaching to
             community agencies in the hopes of preventing violence, abuse, and victimization
             of all age groups.

                                                 Juvenile Prosecutions

             The Family Court Liaison officer presented 15 juveniles as delinquent and 48
             juveniles  as  wayward  to  the  Family  Court.  13  juveniles  required  emergency
             detention at the  Rhode  Island  Training School. The juvenile arrest book
             maintained  by  Detective  Pariseault  can  be  referred  to  for  breakdown  of the
             juvenile violations (crimes).  Thirty-five other juveniles  were referred  the
             Departments Youth Diversionary Juvenile Hearing Board.

                Juvenile Offense                         2019         2018          2017         2016

                Murder                                   0            0             0            0

                Forcible Rape                            3            3             1            0

                Forcible Sodomy                          1            1             1            0

                Sexual Assault w Object                  0            3             0            0
                Forcible Fondling                        6            8             1            2

                Kidnapping/Abduction                     0            1             0            0

                Robbery                                  2            1             1            0

                Aggravated Assault                       5            2             4            0

                Simple Assault                           24           22            7            13

                Intimidation                             5            0             0            1

                Arson                                    1            0             2            0

                Breaking and Entering                    4            3             3            4

                Shoplifting                              15           6             6            8

                Theft from a Building                    5            3             2            1

                Theft from a Motor Vehicle               0            0             0            3

                All Other Larceny                        3            5             3            3

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