Page 24 - 2019YearEndDraft
P. 24
Juvenile Offenses
2019 2018 2017 2016
Juvenile Hearing Board
The Juvenile Hearing Board is a diversionary program for youths who commit
offenses that that in the opinion of the police would be better served outside the
traditional Family Court setting. The Chief of Police reviews recommendations
made by Detective Pariseault and interviews are conducted with the offender and
parents. If the offender and parents agree with the facts of the case, (juvenile
pleads guilty) they are given a hearing date.
The board consists of seven (7) regular members and three (3) alternates who
are residents of Cranston and appointed by the City Council. Raymond C. Coia
is the current sitting chairman of the board. They are empowered to administer
sanctions including community service, the loss of driver’s license, essays and
other measures deemed appropriate. The board then conducts a follow-up
hearing, in many cases, to ensure compliance with the prescribed sanctions. In
2019 the JHB handled 35 new cases with hearings.