Page 55 - 2020 A Year in Review
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recovery/surveillance  operation  was  conducted  with  Mims  being  taken  into

                   custody without incident and turned over to Cranston Police.  Detectives were
               •  20RIX1-300-AR Jose Perez A fugitive case tracking investigation was initiated

                   following  the  issuance  of  an  Affidavit/Arrest  Warrant  by  the  Johnston  Police
                   Department for Felony Domestic assault requiring hospitalization, and threats

                   of murder suicide of the victim and their two young children. Subject tracked to
                   the State of New York and Connecticut, extensive surveillance, interviews, and
                   search  warrants  executed  with  a  collateral  package  being  prepared  for  out  of

                   state  pursuit.  Subject  found  on  surveillance,  arrested,  and  turned  over  to
                   Johnston  Police  Detectives  and  Patrol.  A  stolen  car  was  also  recovered  with

                   additional charges out of North Kingston.
               •  Aided  in  Case  Fugitive  Case  tracking,  surveillance,  interviews  out  of  State

                   resources and prepared operational planning to assist Cranston Police Detective
                   Division  in  attempts  to  locate  and  capture  homicide  suspect  Herpin.    In

                   communication with PPD Intel unit on their successful capture.
               •  13-14608-OF Continued follow up was conducted with Detective Bob Lindsay
                   on Gandy “Shad” Kaydea homicide case. Conducted over the phone interviews

                   with  RIDOC  Inspector  Paul  Bibeault  and  possible  information  source.  Initial
                   follow  up  revealed  inconsistent  manner  of  death  as  described  and  subject

                   identified as possibly involved was confirmed in Federal Custody at the time of
                   the incident.  Det. Lindsay currently drafting additional phone geo fence search

                   warrant in coordination with NESPIN.  Investigation Pending.

               FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) (One Detective Assigned)

               The Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) investigates, detects, interdicts, prosecutes and

               removes terrorists and dismantles terrorist organizations.

               Cranston Police Department Year in Review 2020
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