Page 4 - 2019YearEndDraft
P. 4


             measurable results. I am proud to report that the overall property crime rate
             citywide dropped again last year to a ten-year low. Burglary/Breaking and

             Enterings (-28%), Theft from Buildings (-15%), Stolen Property (-38%), and
             Motor Vehicle Thefts (-10%) were significantly reduced from the previous
             calendar year. Additionally, robberies were decreased by 17% resulting in a ten-

             year low for this crime classification.

             The opioid overdose epidemic continues to plague our country. Fentanyl and
             other opiate derivatives are highly addictive and pose a significant danger to all

             segments of the population.  The City of Cranston has not been immune to this
             problem and continues to attack the issue through a multi-prong approach that
             includes educating members of the public about the dangers and high addiction
             rate associated with these drugs, offering treatment and recovery services to

             those who have experienced an overdose or are considered high risk, and
             targeting individuals engaged in the illicit distribution of opiates in or community.
             Although this strategy has resulted in a reduction in opioid overdoses in our
             community in comparison to the previous year, we must continue to be vigilant

             and dedicate resources to the issue.

             In 2019, there were several mass shootings in the United States that occurred at

             various venues, including places of worship, corporate buildings, factories, and
             educational facilities.  Many of these locations were known to be used for large
             gatherings and lacked the necessary security protocols and equipment.  The
             Cranston Police Department’s Special Reaction Team provided physical

             security assessments at several locations across the city, including public
             buildings, religious facilities, and corporate buildings. Reports were offered to
             the owners of these facilities that included a wide range of recommendations

             that could be implemented to enhance security, many of which were of minimal
             cost or free.  Officers also provided training to individuals that work or visit these
             locations on how to react if they were ever faced with an active shooter

             Three substantial capital improvement projects were completed last year.  The
             entire police radio system infrastructure received a complete overhaul with

             multiple components being replaced, including computers and consoles in the
             police dispatch center and new portable radios being issued to every officer.
             This project was made possible through a 1.2 million dollar bond and was

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