Page 75 - 2022 A Year in Review Final
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our  society  while  increasing  a  public  trust  in  the  police.  Our  mission  supports  a

               comprehensive and multifaceted community policing strategy of engaging our community

               whenever and wherever possible.

               In November of 2014, the Cranston Police Department took the step to create a new

               office  known  as  the  Office  of  Community  Outreach.  The  purpose  of  this  office  is

               straightforward:  the  Office  of  Community  Outreach  is  responsible  for  the  strategic

               planning  and  establishment  of  intervention  strategies  and  education  programs  to

               prevent  crime  throughout  the  City  of  Cranston;  as  well  as  the  development  of

               partnerships  with  individuals  who  live,  work,  or  otherwise  have  an  interest  in  the

               community. Additionally, the office serves to proactively address issues such as crime

               and quality of life as well as foster connections within the community and to the police


               What follows is a detailed look at the Office of Community Outreach’s efforts during

               the  calendar  year  2022.  These  highlights  include  direct  outreach  activity  as  well  as

               coordinated efforts by this office and conducted by diverse members of the Cranston

               Police Department.

               Community Meetings

                                                The Cranston Police Department was invited to and was

                                                present  at  numerous  community  meetings  in  2022.

                                                Many of these meetings were generated by stakeholders

                                                in  the  community  or  requests  to  attend  by  elected

                                                officials.  At  these  meetings  we  met  with  residents  to

                                                discuss a variety of issues including, but not limited to,

                                                crime  trends  in  the  area,  the  different  legislative

               Cranston Police Department Year in Review 2022
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