Page 104 - 2022 A Year in Review Final
P. 104
The Records Unit was staffed by two full-time and one part-time civilian personnel
during 2022. This unit is primarily responsible for maintaining most of the police
department’s records, as well as providing reports and other requested documents to
the public in accordance with the Access to Public Records Act (APRA). The Records
Unit is also responsible for processing firearms purchase applications (1452 in CY
2022), court subpoenas, collecting games of chance applications/fees, NCIC
validations, and Sexual Offender Records.
The Chief Records Clerk/TAC is the keeper of the records and is responsible for
ensuring the timely compliance of NCIC and state policies and regulations by
providing confidential clerical functions to the validation of all NCIC and RILETS
records. The Chief Records Clerk is responsible for ensuring the accountability,
effectiveness and efficiency of civilian personnel assigned to the Records Unit. The
Chief Records Clerk reports directly to the Commander of the Inspectional Services
Division and personally reviewed and redacted 254 records that were released under
the Access to Public Records Act (APRA), prepared documents for 12 subpoenas and
appeared in court for several of them. In 2022 eighteen (18) Extreme Risk Protection
orders were granted, resulting in the modification of site files, registration files, and
master name files.
The Chief Records Clerk/TAC maintained a total of 241 sexual offender records in the
NCIC and RI Sexual Offender Registry during CY2022. This work includes creation of
new records for newly classified offenders, modifications to existing records,
modification of the IMC master names records, maintaining the sexual offender
registrations in IMC, importing images into NCIC, supplementing the applicable
report, and notifying outside agencies. He also processed 510 NCIC “validations”
during CY 2022 and managed 1164 records that were entered, cleared, cancelled, or
Cranston Police Department Year in Review 2022