Page 38 - 2020 A Year in Review
P. 38

Weapons Violations                    27          4             2            3

                  Disorderly Conduct                    1           69            53           27

                  Liquor Law Violations                 2           0             1            0

                  Runaway                               13          30            23           10

                  Trespassing                           1           2             2            0

                  All Other Offenses                    19          32            15           6

                  Traffic, Town By – Law Offenses       12          7             5            1

                  Totals                                136         257           173          94

                                                 Juvenile Hearing Board

               As  constituted  by  Cranston  City  Ordinance,  specifically  Chapter  2.72  –  Juvenile

               Hearing Board, the Juvenile Hearing Board is authorized to hear cases referred by the

               Office of the Chief of Police with respect to persons residing in Cranston, under the age

               of eighteen (18) years, who are charged with violating the criminal laws of the state of

               Rhode Island or the ordinances of our city. Any juvenile who is a resident of the city

               who  has  allegedly  committed  an  offense  (if  committed  by  an  adult  would  be  a

               misdemeanor)  may  request  a  hearing  before  the  juvenile  hearing  board  rather  than

               being  referred  to  the  family  court  (with  the  Chief’s  approval).  That  referral  to  the

               Juvenile Hearing Board may not be offered to any juvenile:

                   1.  Who has been charged with the crime of assault or battery, unless specifically

                       approved by the Office of the Chief,

                   2.  Who  has  been  twice  previously  referred  to  the  board  or  who  has  been  once

                       previously referred to the board and refused or failed to abide by the sanctions

                       imposed or to make the restitution recommended by the board; or

               Cranston Police Department Year in Review 2020
   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43